In this Q&A Dr. X discusses:

  • Shah’s message about a teacher in “Marking Time” in his work, The Sufis
  • Generosity and Liberality as two important factors in preparation for Sufihood

Idries Shah’s statement about a teacher “Marking Time” on his work, The Sufis

“The beginner is saved from complete insensitivity because within him there is a vestigial capacity to react to ‘true gold.’ And the teacher, recognizing the innate capacity, will be able to use it as a receiving apparatus for his signals. True, in the earlier stages, the signals transmitted by the teacher will have to be arranged in such a way as to be perceptible to the inefficient and probably distorting mechanism of the receiver. But the combination of the two elements provides a basis for a working arrangement. At this stage, the teacher marks time to a great extent.

Idries Shah’s statement about “Generosity and Liberality on his work, The Sufis

“Generosity and liberality are two of the important factors which, when applied energetically and correctly, go to prepare the candidate for Sufihood. When it is said, ‘you get nothing for free’ there is very much more to it than that. The manner of giving, the thing which is given, the effect of the giving upon the individual, these are the factors which determine the progress of the Sufi. There is a strong link between the concept of persistence and bravery with that of liberality. In ordinary discipleship, as known in other systems, where the inner understanding of the mechanism of progress is in disarray, the disciple will think in terms of struggle. He gets nothing without struggle, he thinks, and he is encouraged to think in this way.

Saudi pinpoints the problem in one of his smaller aphorisms. A person, he says, went to a sage and asked whether it was better to be valorous or liberal. He answered, ‘he who is liberal does not have to be valorous.’”

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